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2019 Ohio Tax Legislation - Year In Review: January 17, 2020

Happy New Year!

As 2019 came to an end, we are now halfway through the current Ohio General Assembly. Above is a link to a summary report on the status of all the tax legislation (and then some) that has passed thus far and/or is currently pending before the Ohio Legislature.

Please let us know if you have any questions on any of these pieces of legislation or if we can be of assistance on any matter, now or anytime during the legislative process. ZHF stands by ready to assist at any point in time.

Thank you, we hope you enjoyed the Holiday season with your families! We look forward to continuing working with you well into the new year and beyond.

Please contact Tom Zaino, Rich Bitonte or one of our other ZHF Consulting professionals to discuss any of the 2019 tax legislation.

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